BLOG TOUR – The Last Embrace – Pam Jenoff

Today, as start of the blog tour for Pam Jenoff’s World War Two romance, which I am featuring as: a) I did pledge to step outside my comfort zone; and b) I can’t say no to lovely publicists!

Product Details

Above you can see our lovely romantic book cover, and on the right our (incredibly fresh-faced, I must say!) author. This is her fifth book here (although I think it’s her ninth in the US, but I imagine they’ll all appear in the UK eventually) and all have done incredibly well in both territories (where they are often marketed under different names and covers, please be aware – in the US this is on sale as Last Summer At Chelsea Beach.) They’re also international bestsellers. So, despite this being somewhat outside my comfort zone, I realise how popular they are and I’m privileged to kick off our blog tour

Ms Jenoff has impressive credentials – a BA in International Affairs from George Washington University and a Masters in History from Jesus College, Cambridge. She lived in the UK for several years, and her childhood affinity with Great Britain took her to Cambridge, and provided inspiration for this book, as well as some earlier ones. To learn a little bit more about her fascinating early career, pre-novelist, how it led her to her preferred subject matter, and her writing process, do look at this interview. It’s from last year but it’s illuminating for fans and other writers. Although it refers to an earlier book, it’s interesting reading for anyone who thinks romantic fiction authors should be regarded as airheads compared to other writers (she blows that idea right out of the water!) She’s what we regard as a very high achiever. In her personal life, she is married with three children and lives just outside Philadelphia.

Now this may well surprise or amuse some regular crimeworm followers, but I am reading the book – it did take me a little time to get into it, but I will finish it and review it immediately I’m finished. (I promise!) In the meantime, here, for your delectation, is an extract chosen by Pam herself, from near the beginning of the book:


Washington, DC November 1943

(Previously, Adelia, a typist for the Washington Post who was helping her boss cover a meeting at the State Department, was stunned to spot Charlie, the soldier from home she has long pined for but whom she thought was off at war.)

I stepped back toward the corridor, my ankle turning in­ward and causing me to stumble. As I struggled not to fall, I dropped my notebook, which clattered against the marble. Heads turned in my direction, seeming more annoyed than concerned. As the others resumed their conversations, Char­lie stepped from the group and moved toward me in the hall, his face breaking. “Addie?” His tone was disbelieving. I froze, unable to move or speak as he drew close. He reached out, as if to touch me, but his hand foundered midair before falling to his side again. He leaned in to kiss my cheek and his fa­miliar scent made the room wobble. I struggled not to turn and meet his lips with my own. “Addie.” There it was in that single word, that voice which cut right through and con­nected with my insides as it had since the first time I heard it. “What are you doing here?” He didn’t know any of it—that I had left Philadelphia, or how I had come to be here. Because he had gone first.

“I’m working for the Post.” I watched his face for any sign of disbelief. But Charlie had never doubted me. “I never ex­pected you to be in Washington,” I added.

His face flinched slightly as though he had been slapped. “You aren’t pleased to see me.”

“Of course I am. It’s just that I thought you were training.” My words came out too quickly, piling on top of one another.

He fumbled with the hat, neatly folded in his hands. “I was, for almost a year. But now I’m here for some extra briefings.” There was a strange undercurrent to his voice. A year had slipped through our fingers. How was that possible? Once it had seemed unthinkable to keep breathing without Charlie, but somehow the clock had kept ticking. I tried to imagine his days in between, all of the things he had done and seen since we’d last laid eyes on one another. But my mind was blank.

“Your hair,” he blurted. I raised my hand to my temple, wincing at how tousled I was from the rain. “It’s short.” It was the bob, so different than last time he had seen me. “I mean, I like it.” I couldn’t tell if he was just being kind.

“How’s your family?”

“Holding up as well as can be expected.” He shrugged, helpless but not indifferent. “My folks are in Florida. Mom has thrown herself into the women’s auxiliary.” It sounded so much like Mrs. Connally that I had to smile. “Dad’s Dad.” Guilt at having left them flickered across his face. “It tore them apart, you know.” Yes, I knew only too well. The Connallys lived in a place where their grief would always be as raw as the day it all happened, no matter how much time passed or how far away they moved. “They’re together, but in a sepa­rate kind of a way. They know now,” he added, and I wanted to ask if he meant about the army, or what had been between us, or both.

The question stuck in my throat. “And the boys?” I asked instead.

“Jack, well, he works at a plant in Port Richmond. He’s taking night classes at Temple, though.” Jack had been the real brain of the boys—he might have gone to an Ivy League school and practiced medicine as he once dreamed, but for money and circumstance. “He hasn’t been called up yet, thank God. Mom couldn’t bear to lose another son.”

I swallowed. “And Liam?”

Charlie stared hard at the floor. “I’m not sure.” But surely his parents knew about Liam’s whereabouts, and whether or not he was okay. Or had they cut ties with him as well? My stomach tugged. I still hated Liam for what he had done, yet I could not help but worry.

Charlie and I watched one another, not speaking. We had talked about everyone, of course, except the one name we could not say. “How long will you be in town?” I asked, not sure what answer I was hoping to hear.

Before Charlie could reply, voices came from the confer­ence room behind him. He looked over his shoulder. “There’s another meeting. I’m going to have to go.” A knife ripped through me at the idea that he might leave again just as quickly as he had appeared. “Addie, I want to talk to you. Meet me tonight?” he said suddenly. “The Old Ebbitt Grill at seven.” So he did not want our chance reunion to end either.

I peered at him, trying to read the meaning behind his words. Were we merely two old friends, trying to catch up? No, it was still there, that hungry, yearning look in his eyes I had first seen the night on the dock. He wanted to pick up once more and return to that moment when we had stood on the edge of the world, gazing down at everything that lay be­fore us. He wanted to make things whole again.

Something licked at my insides then, familiar like a forgot­ten dream: hope. Even after everything that had happened, Charlie still reached a place in me that made me believe things could be good again.

But something held me back. “I don’t know.” I was sud­denly angry. Did he really think we could put all of those broken pieces back together and not see the cracks? Doubt thundered beneath my feet like a freight train and the ground began to sway. I had managed to make my way back from the place that nearly killed me and stand despite it all. I could not afford to let him in and risk going there again.

“Please, Addie. I’ll wait for you.” There was a desperation about him I had only seen once before in my life. Before I could answer, the men spilled forth from the conference room, enveloping Charlie, and we were separated by a sea of suits and uniforms giving off the odor of cologne and cigarette smoke. I had not had the chance to answer.

Our eyes met and locked, his making a silent plea before he slipped from sight.

The Last Embrace by Pam Jenoff is available on August 6th from Mira, priced £7.99.


And do please follow the blog tour – on Sunday August 2nd it can be found at Book World Of Anne, the next day Miss Bookworm Reviews, and will run at lots of other marvellous blogs until next Saturday. By which time you will have my verdict – can crimeworm be turned into an historical romance fan?? Will I abandon shootings and murders for snogging and heartbreak?

What do you think? I’d love to know how you feel when it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone, so please do comment – I love to hear anyone’s bookish thoughts. How attached to your favourite genres are you? And how will I enjoy the experience (experiment!)? Follow me and find out!

11 thoughts on “BLOG TOUR – The Last Embrace – Pam Jenoff

  1. Lovely writeup! I think it’s good to step out of the ‘comfort zone’ once in a while. I have to say, romance is not my thing as a rule. But it broadens one’s perspective to read something different at times.


    • That was my thinking – as you probably realise, it was the “historical” in historical romance that provided the main incentive for me, and that aspect of it is interesting. I’ve never really been a romance fan – I’m not that kind of female! I need more action and drama – not necessarily gruesome murders, but a good mystery to solve. I actually suspect Pam Jenoff could write more “literary” novels that would be more beloved by critics, but sell less….she knows her audience, and what she does, she does well. I’ll be less dismissive of genres in future if I haven’t already read them. And there’s nothing to be dismissive of here.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have heard good things about Pam Jenoff from several bloggers and have been tempted to pick one of her books up. They always have such lovely covers – very vintage and attractive. I have also heard good reports of this particular book. I’ll likely try it at some point and perhaps others of hers. Stepping outside of the comfort zone is a good thing I think. I reviewed a book today that is outside of my norm (romantic comedy sort of thing), but it’s good for me to take a break from the bleak, crime novels that usually fill my days. I love them, but sometimes the addition of a cozy or a romance or even a horror novel is perfect. Good for you for taking a chance! And I think we all tend to be dismissive of things outside our favorite genre. I’m thinking about reading a sci-fi book, which would be way outside my norm. LOL


    • I’d be the same with sci-fi Kay! I think the last remotely sci-fi book I read was The Day Of The Triffids by John Wyndham in second year at high school! I agree, her covers are divine. I should add a picture of the US cover too; it’s equally attractive. A cosy is perfect when you’re not up to too much gruesomeness – for me, that’s when I’m really tired or ill! As I said to Margot, if it hadn’t been for the historical aspect I don’t think I’d have tackled it (although I haven’t learnt anything new – yet!) I can’t get over how young she looks (she probably gets carded for alcohol in the US!) Even if a novel’s not your particular cup of tea, I do think it’s important to realise that there are well-written books in other genres – particularly if you aspire to write, even if it’s crime fiction or sci-fi or horror.Broadens the mind and all that! Thanks for popping by and commenting Kay! It’s always lovely to hear from you.


    • That’s what appeals to me – social history. This is quite history-lite; I’m over halfway through and haven’t learnt anything new. In fact, I’ve spotted a mistake…I’m such a pedant! It’s not bad though. That’s the thing about coming to a book with no expectations! When it’s a new, say, Sophie Hannah, or Denise Mina, or Ian Rankin, I expect utter brilliance and it can be an anti-climax. Do you ever find that? (And I will finish it! And review it! In fact I’ve a ton of reviews to finish off/type up from notes/try to remember what the book’s about…!)


    • Hi Anne, I’ll pop by! Thanks for coming over to say hello! Should finish the book in the next couple of days, so HOPEFULLY try and get the review up towards the end of the blog tour. Halfway through, and so I know it’s NOT awful and I WILL finish it (although stupidly I read the “discussion questions for reading group” at the end, which gave away the “happily ever after with…” bit away! However that’s made me want to read on, as I have to find out how we end up there. I have my ideas…Sorry to be so oblique, but NO SPOILERS ALLOWED!)


  3. When I was a pre-teen, I just loved Harlequin romances. Later the formulaic plots just did not work for me anymore. I still enjoy a sprinkling of romance as part of a story, but the book must offer something else as well. Books set in a well reseached historical setting are my favorites.
    Thanks for the review, I’ll give Pam Jenoff a try.


    • I used to steal some old Mills & Boon that my mum had in her bedroom, given to her by someone. I assumed they must be racier than they were, at least in the 70s, and was terrified she’d catch me…I was about eight, so fair enough I suppose, on my part! My mother was quite naïve about reading material and used to buy me the odd copy of Jackie or Patches or Blue Jeans (magazines were like gold dust where I grew up!) at the same age. Plenty of snogging photo stories and Cathy and Clare’s problem page to puzzle over….!


  4. Interesting review and very out of your comfort zone. I don’t think I could read a historical romance. I would be too distracted thinking about the social conditions/what they had for breakfast in those days/contraception/general blatherings that have nothing to do with the book.


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