Top Ten Book Problems

This weekly Tuesday Top Ten, hosted by The Broke And The Bookish, covers a different topic each week. This week, TBATB has asked us for our Top Ten Book Problems. So here are mine:

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Fleetwood Mac and The Clan Of The Cave Bear – a long hot summer! (see no. 4)

  1.  Easy-peasy. Too many books, not enough time. Probably every blogger is nodding their head at this one. Theoretically, it should be fairly easy to get through all the books I have. However, this little thing called life gets in the way…And as for the “too many books” part, well I could hand over to Mr Crimeworm to testify to this, but I’d never get the laptop back. And you’d have a six-page rant to read…
  2. As a blogger, it really helps to be organised. I’m not, massively. I talk to other bloggers who have all their posts for the next two months (!) already written, to be posted when the time comes. I don’t know what book I intend to read next, a lot of the time. I know what ones have to be read imminently, and I’ll choose from one of them, depending on what I’m in the mood for…
  3. Weird one, this. I can only read non-fiction in the morning (if I’ve time); fiction in the evening. It’s probably some kind of weird throwback to when I was studying, but it’s a habit I can’t seem to get out of!
  4. I won’t read two books by the same author one after another. I used to binge on authors when I was younger (one summer, when I was about 14 or 15, I read the first three – huge – Jean M Auel Clan Of The Cave Bear books, out in the sun, while listening to Fleetwood Mac’s Tango In The Night cassette over and over.) To this day, I associate each with the other. I can’t hear Little Lies or Everywhere without thinking of Ayla, being rejected by the Clan. Still brings a tear to the eye. So I have to have a book or two in between works by the same authors. I call it a palate cleanser. Because that sounds posh.
  5. I stick to my comfort zone. That’s crime fiction, some bits and bobs of literary fiction, a bit of historical fiction (depending on the era), the odd ghost/supernatural story, and modern history (another throwback to Uni.) I don’t do fantasy. And chick-lit or any kind of romance-centric book gives me the dry boke, as we say in Scotland.
  6. I can’t help but look at what strangers are reading – even if it does involve bending my neck at a ridiculous angle. And any keen readers who say they don’t look, I denounce as liars. It’s so illuminating. I think you can tell if you’d like a person by their choice of reading matter. Which is ridiculous, as probably even serial killers read. Ted Bundy would have got me with the latest Michael Connelly – never mind all that “arm in a sling” bollocks.
  7. I’m a bit of an insomniac. So I read every night until I literally fall asleep. Highly obvious tip to others: don’t do this with your Kindle. Or you’ll end up with a spider-web of cracks across the screen (though I am getting it fixed soon – yay!) When I start getting tired, I swap to a paperback, which Mr C generally prises out of my hand when he comes to bed.
  8. I find it easier to write reviews about books I didn’t really like. Because there are only so many ways to say, “I loved this book.” And that’s probably why I’m taking so long to write my review of The Miniaturist.
  9. When I’m looking at other blogs, I’m more likely to read reviews of books I’ve read, or ones I fancy reading. Which is sort of pointless, really, because I’m not going to come across any totally new books that way. Maybe it’s a “checking I’m on the same page as other bloggers” thing.
  10. I totally judge a book by it’s cover, contrary to the maxim (which is tripe, if you ask me.) Okay, I know it’s meant to be about people and stuff, not literally books. But when it comes to books, “do judge a book by its cover” has served me well. Two recent examples: The Ice Twins by SK Tremayne and Silent Scream by Angela Marsons. Before I even read the blurb, I knew these books were “my kind of thing.” And I was right.

Well, that’s ten of my bookish foibles. Do any of these ring a bell in your head? Or do you have any to add? I’d love to hear your thoughts!